Two days of walking
It is cold, and, so far, often misty, sometimes such a heavy mist that I have had to resort to using the umbrella. Today the forecast was for rain, and so I began the day with my rain pants on. However, the rain didn't eventuate, and I was spared having to don my raincoat. Everything was seen through misty eyes. Back to the beginning, and yesterday, where I managed to walk 22 kilometres to Villar de Mazarife. I had planned to stay in a different albergue this time but it wa closed for the night and so I went to Albergue Jesús where I had stayed twice before. It was here that I met my first two pilgrims - Jo from South Africa, and Mark from Spain. I knew they were ahead of me as I had been following their fresh footprints all day. Jo, from S...
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