The last couple of days into Santiago.

There is not a lot to say about these few days. There was not a lot to see as my head, and body, were bent to the wind and rain. By the end of each day I was soaked through, and even though I had waterproofed my boots it made no difference, and after a few hours I was squelching my way along with each step.

I had a message from Jill, after my last day into Santiago, who was keeping an eye on the weather and she informed me that the wind had gusts of 80 kms an hour. 

The last two days the path is often through eucalyptus plantations. I won’t go into the environmental damage that this has done to this part of Spain, but with my memory of what transpired in our last storm just before I left you can guess I was planning each sprint through the sections of forest! The wind was howling above me in the treetops, and the trees themselves were bending and swaying as the wind whistled through them. I was particularly nervous when I came to areas where felling had occurred, as I knew that the trees left standing would have less protection then they had beforehand.

Anyway enough of the drama of those two days. Suffice it to say I got to the end of each day, looking like a drowned rat, and feeling quite chilly. My raincoat was ineffectual, and that too needs re-waterproofing. However I now have a new one and will deal with the old one when I get home!

Now I am going to ATTEMPT to insert photos, without captions. If I am successful, fine, otherwise I will do a separate post. I took very few photos on these days, and they are all set evident – mostly of mud and water. I am afraid I didn’t try and capture the wind blown trees!

Post script - no success with the photo insert, so a separate post following.


  1. Janet what a trooper you are!! So glad you made if safely through the wind and rain. Lesser mortals would give up but not you. Just to warm you up summer has at last come to the hills and we have been enjoying some delightful weather. Stay safe and I hope the next leg is a little drier for you.

  2. Thanks Diana. The rain is still around, but really it is either get out in it, or twiddle my thumbs. As I write I can hear it falling! Galicia is a bit like Stirling weather wise and we all know what that is like mid winter- wet, cold, misty / foggy, and sometimes windy. Still enjoying it though.


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